1 year
Length: 8 - 13cm; Tail: 3 - 4cm; Weight: 20 - 50g
Native and listed as Least Concern on the global IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Found across mainland UK but absent from Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.
Field voles are among the most common mammals in the UK. Active both day and night, they feed on seeds, roots, and leaves.
Unlike some other small mammals, they are poor climbers and prefer to stay at ground level near their burrows. Frequently preyed upon by predators such as barn owls and kestrels, field voles often have short lifespans. They are known for their notably short tails, which are less than 40% of their head and body length.
While they favour ungrazed grasslands, they can thrive in any habitat with abundant grass, including woodlands and hedgerows.
Can survey all-year-round. Active most of the year. Droppings can be analysed outside of active periods.