Solvin Zankl / naturepl
10-15 years
Up to 8cm
Native: Protected in the UK under the Wildlife and Countryside Act, 1981. Priority species under the UK Post-2010 Biodiversity Framework. European Protected Species under Annex IV of the European Habitats Directive. Regionally Red-Listed as Endangered in Ireland.
Natterjack toads are a very rare amphibian species in the UK which is found in a handful of coastal locations in shallow pools, heath and marshland. In Ireland, its range is restricted to County Kerry and an introduced population in County Wexford.
Population decline is likely attributed to the degradation of suitable breeding sites especially the intensification of agriculture and subsequent loss of ponds on farmland in Ireland. Natterjack toads require warmer water to breed successfully and at their limited locations, males can be heard on warm still, spring nights calling out for females around breeding pools. Olive-green in colouration with yellow stripe down its back.
Samples can be taken all-year-round but can be optimally taken from April-July during the breeding season.