Joel Sartore / naturepl
5-8 years
Native and Near-threatened; Listed on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Annex III of the Bern Convention and Annex II of the European Comission Habitats Directive. SAC Annex II species at several locations, protected under the Salmon & Freshwater Fisheries Act, 1975.
Sea lamprey is the largest of the UK and Irish lamprey species, this ectoparasitic species is anadramous; spawning occurs in freshwater rivers and estuaries with individuals migrating and maturing at sea. Spawning requires clean water and gravel and slit or sand is required for the burrowing juvenile stage. Preference for warmer waters. Generally widespread in the UK but is declining in parts of its range. Evidence has shown that sea lamprey are heavily impacted by migratory barriers thus restricting populations to lower river systems. Other threats include pollution and instream works. Fisheries stock surveys in Ireland have reported landlocked populations of sea lampreys at several lakes where individuals are smaller and are opportunistic feeders on large fish species.
Optimally survey between April and September with adults migrating into rivers in May/June. Can be surveyed all-year-round particularly landlocked populations in Ireland.